The impressive series of violences and rapes against young women in Italy demonstrates how un-safe the brutalist environment of Slab-Urbia is.
Built as a result of 20th century worst ideologies, Slab-Urbia has produced the worst peripheries in the country: Gallaratese in Milan; Pilastro in Bologna; Corviale in Rome; Vele in Naples, etc.
What all these horrible areas do have in common is the huge amount of concrete Slabs surrounded by a huge amount of no-man-land.
It is right in this no-man-land that crime takes place.
Hidden behind the trees and the bushes of so meany so-called "parks", criminals attack young women and couples. Parks in Slab-Urbia create the best setting for ambush.
Slab-Urbia has demonstrated to be the worst dysaster in urban planning and the best area for crime.
Let's put an end to this tragedy. Let's transform those horrible areas into true mixed-use urban neighborhoods. Let's give citizens the right to choose the place where to live and stroll.
The Italian Government has declared a State of Emergency against crime. Thousands of policemen are going to be used to patrol streets and parks.
This move will certainly help, but will never be sufficient. It is virtually impossible to patrol all the no-man-lands of Italian Slab-Urbia. If you really want to cut crime, you've got to build true urban neighborhoods.
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